inspiring women series | laurel gallucci


Laurel is the owner and co-founder of Sweet Laurel Bakery and mama to baby boy, Nico.  It was a pleasure getting to know more about her and her insight as a new mother. Read more below…


AO: What's one thing you wish you had access to before you started a family, be it in doctors, healers, community, etc. 

LG: Definitely prenatal Pilates with a focus on the pelvic floor. I did prenatal yoga, but that strengthening that is so important during pregnancy was not addressed. I also wish I had a practitioner focus on the strength and breathing behind pushing. Pushing was something I was totally unprepared for.

AO: What are you surprised that no one ever talks about that happens to your mind or body before pregnancy or after pregnancy. 

LG: The recovery is intense. I couldn't walk normal after my vaginal birth and I think I attempted to move around and walk about too soon. I was eager to move and be outside, and as soon as I got home from the hospital I was doing just that! Probably not the best idea. I should have listened to my mom, who encouraged me to chill and rest more post birth.

AO: If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything?

LG: I'd prepare physically for pregnancy and delivery, and allow myself to heal more before power walking up a hill!

AO: What has been the biggest surprise post pregnancy?

LG: How much I love my beautiful baby, and how much my body has changed.

AO: How has your body amazed you on this journey?

LG: I know this is vain, but I never thought my tummy would go back to normal after birth, but it pretty much has! I'm also super surprised by how much energy I have postpartum, and I'm so grateful that my body is giving me that gift.